
"You're Such A Sucker For A Sweet Talker"

I believe that this is true for everyone, except people who have already been suckered by sweet talkers.

Personally, I think human nature makes people suckers for sweet talkers. Think about it-- a nice girl or boy comes up to you and compliments you all the time, or says generally sweet things. Because they show so much interest in you, you might be inclined to like them, have a crush on them, etc. Depending on what happens, things might go further. Originally, although some people might beg to differ, you weren't suckered in by their good looks, or nice personality, etc. Although they may have been contributing factors, the ultimate reason was that they sweet talked you and made you feel good about yourself when it felt like no one felt that way.

You had low self esteem, or maybe even moderate and they rescued you from it, because it finally felt like someone cared.
But did they really?
Because after all, "you're such a sucker for a sweet talker."

Love can make you blind.

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