

Right now, I'm not sure which is worse-- feeling lonely, or hollow. Devoid, empty. That's how it was last night. Either way, I think both are feelings you get when you realize that the person you have a crush on doesn't like you back. It seems to happen to me everytime. I hate that feeling. In a society like the one we have right now, looks almost get you everything. Everything. If you're pretty, I think it's what attracts the opposite sex to you in the first place, at least for the most part. Then they realize whether you have a good personality or not, etc.
But what if you're not pretty?
What then?
And what if you're shy also? I'm not sure how you're supposed to attract someone to yourself if you're quiet and only have exceptional (or average) looks. Pretty people get all the luck, and I'm too bitter. The End.

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