(not that i'm not in a bad mood or anything
1.Find A Guy Who Calls You Beautiful Instead Of Hot
2.Who Calls You Back When You Hang Up On Him
3.Who Will Lie Under The Stars And Listen To Your Heartbeat
4.Or Will Stay Awake Just To Watch You Sleep ..
5.Wait For The Boy Who Kisses Your Forehead
6.Who Wants To Show You Off To The World When You Are In Sweats
7.Who Holds Your Hand In Front Of His Friends
8.Who Thinks You' re Just As Pretty Without Makeup On
9.One Who Is Constantly Reminding You Of How Much He Cares
10.And How Lucky He Is To Have You ..
11.The One Who Turns To His Friends And Says .. " Thats Her "
1. Okay. Superficiality is the problem here I'm assuming? Either way, both words are compliments, take what you can get.
2. Why should he? You've been rude to him, and he shouldn't have to act like a fricken pushover. If you're so intent on talking to him again, you call him back.
3. Okay, I admit, this would be nice. But not all guys are overly romantic, and why should you force someone to be something they're not?
4. Alright, this might be thought of as cute. But hell, I think it's creepy. Why would you want someone to stare at you while you're sleeping? Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeepyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
5. Kisses your forehead? Alright, maybe thought of as cute as well, but what if your forehead is really gross or something? And what's so good about a forehead anyways?
6. Alright, fine. But who says he needs to show you off anyways? Just the fact that he likes you should be enough, but some females just have to want more.
7. Fine. This is the only one I don't disagree with hugely. But again, if you know he really likes you, handholding shouldn't have to happen.
8. Alright, I guess this shows how he's apparently not superficial.
9. I actually think this would get quite annoying. Every day " I care, I care, I care!". After a while, I'd get bored and tell him that I knew it already, and to please be a little more discreet. Actions do infact speak louder than words.
10. See #9. (And after you've been so bitchy with the previous things, maybe he really isn't all that lucky...)
11. That's her eh? Define her. This is completely non specific. If his friends had any brain, and they weren't talking about the fact that you two were going out, prior to your b oyfriend's comment, the most common answer would likely be "who?". Do you really want to look that silly?
So in conclusion, whoever wrote this poem seems to me to be a hopeless romantic. A fairly silly one at that. Obviously their intentions were good, but come on. Good intentions, bad writing.
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