
'No Transitory'- an Alexisonfire inspired rant

Is there really such a thing as "always tomorrow"?
I don't think that made much sense. Basically, what I'm asking is whether you can just continue to rely on tomorrow, or whether it's just an endless procrastination that will bite you in the ass one day.
Firstly, a dramatic example. Say you are in love with your boyfriend or girlfriend or husband or wife or significant other, or whatever. In short, someone you REALLY like. But for some reason, you are scared to tell them. Scared of the rejection? Maybe. Scared of what they say? Possibly. Who they'll tell? Another possibility. So you keep putting it off for tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow again. And then one day you die randomly, hit by a bus or something, and never had the chance to tell them.
Or, for a less dramatic example. You've got a test coming up Friday. Today is Monday. You will study- tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, and eventually it is Thursday night at 12 AM and you're struggling to keep your eyes open while you read Chapter 1 of your 20 Chapter textbook.
Sound familiar?
Well, maybe there isn't such a thing as always having tomorrow.
The contrary fact, or quote, might be to "live like you will die tomorrow". Somehow, I find this equally unappealing.
If I knew I was going to die tomorrow, I'd be doing a LOT of stuff- possibly mouthing off my boss, telling everyone exactly how I felt about them, castrating my ex with a machete, eliminating everyone who is not a best friend from my life, etc. However, the key is that you would be living LIKE you would die tomorrow.
So what if you didn't? To put it very bluntly, you'd basically be fucked. If I mouthed off my boss and didn't die, I'd probably get fired. If I told everyone exactly how I felt and didn't die, I would see a LOT of feelings get hurt, and probably feel their repercussions. If I castrated my ex with a machete he'd probably get his retard drug dealer friends after me to blow my head off with some sort of illegal, unregistered automatic weapon. You get the point.

Maybe things are difficult because people cannot predict their lives. However, this also makes life a lot more interesting.

So, here's the conflict. You can live like there's always tomorrow, or live like you will die the next day, but in reality, neither of them is really a plausible solution. So what are you supposed to do, just judge things as they come, etc? Find a balance in the middle? But how?
No wonder people these days are fucked up.